5 Essential Tips You Must Know To Lighten Dark Lips

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We girls loved to put colour to our lips to beautify our look, weather you like it warm or cold tone, with colour on our lips it just help us look better, right? But when that lipstick smudge or ran out, do you still look as good? Or are you confident in your non lipstick lips?

Some girls are born with darker coloured lips and some start having dark lips / lips pigmentation as they grow up and also when they start using makeup. Why do you think all the cosmetics companies came out with all sorts of shades to suit every single girls? But is still possible that you can get those pinkish, kissable lips and not worry even if your lipstick fades off and to finally look good even with zero makeup on!

Why do we even have dark lips/ chapped lips tho?!

Personal lifestyle and makeup removal can be the main cause of your dark lips. Lifestyle such as smoking, drinking and unhealthy eating style will affect the dryness of lips, lips will get wrinkly, lips will turn dark etc. The wrong way of removing your lipstick will also made the lips wrinkly, and no proper removal will also affect the colour of your lips. Eating habit is as important as your lifestyle too, once we did not have enough water and vitamins, eventually the lips will dried up and start peeling.

1. Remove Lipstick Completely

We all love putting on lipstick, but did we remove it properly? Just like other makeup, it will damage our skin if is not removed properly. So always keep in mind, always make sure that is removed COMPLETELY at the end of the day. Apply some micellar water or any makeup removal you used for your lip, apply it on your lips for 30 seconds, then gently remove it. Do it on a repeat until your cotton pad/ makeup wipes are completely clear from the lipstick stain then it shall be completely clean. But if you want to be 200% sure that is clean or there are times that our lipstick is stained in between the cracks of our lips, it can be removed by using a cotton bud filled with micellar water to gently remove it from the cracks/lines.

2. Do Not Peel Your Lips

DO NOT PEEL THE SKIN OFF YOUR LIPS. Okay. I get it. When our lips is dried up, we tend to lick our lips which is a NO-NO thing to do so as it will make it even dryer. When the skin is dangling there, it is very tempting to just peel it off and regret after. But this is not how things work. By peeling your skin, first of all we all know it hurts like hell if it starts bleeding. But the most important part is, it will DAMAGE. YOUR. LIPS. It will make your lips looks wrinkly, yes our lips will have wrinkles too. So the right way to remove it is to have a clean clipper and get rid of it carefully.

3. Drink Enough Water

You probably hear this over and over again.  The most basic and common thing to do. Drink enough water to moisturize your lips, not by licking it. If you dislike drinking water and need some taste to it, you can always turn to fruit such as watermelon, honeydew, pineapple, tomato and etc.

4. Use Lip Scrub

This is one really important step. Lip scrubs aren’t exactly the most common beauty products out there. Just like a body scrub, a lip scrub is a semi-liquid or other soft-solid base containing particles that exfoliate dry, flaky skin pieces and leave smooth lips behind. The secret’s is the exfoliation of the dead skin. Once you see the difference of how a lip scrub make for your lips, you’ll never want to go without them again. But do not ever scrub it more than twice a week, you will not want to irritate your lips. Always, always remember, just like our face, after scrubbing, always remember to keep them moisturize again so make sure you apply appropriate amount of lip balm for your lips after scrubbing.

5. Exfoliate Your Lips

Don’t want to get a lip scrub because you just don’t want to spend that extra buck on one? You can make your own! Using with just sugar and appropriate amount of coconut oil and rub it against your lips gently but still making sure the sugar is exfoliating your lips. OR, you can always use your wet toothbrush and gently brush it on your wet lips to exfoliate the dead skin away!

With a little more extra effort and self-care, you will get that smooth kissable lips in no time!

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