16 Breathtaking Collar Fashion That You’ve Probably Never Seen

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The collar is probably one of the most unique spot on a clothing that people would not expect to have any designs on them. They’re usually plain. Most shapes or patterns will be put onto the body of the attire instead. But, today we’re gonna look at something different. These patterns on the collar is gonna blow your mind! There’s also accessories such as collar pins that adds more eye candy to your appearance! Let’s bath our eyes with these beauties!

1. Blue Butterfly Collar

This shirt looks as if the butterfly is infused into the collar of the apparel! That’s just so stunningly beautiful!

2. The Great Wave of Kanagawa

Fancy for something Japanese? This is actually a famous piece by Japanese artist Hokusai. Now you can wear this magnificent art every where you go!

3. Peter Pan Embroidery Collar

This magical detachable Peter Pan collar is just the right thing to add a little magical touch to your attire.

4. Succulents

These succulents look so real! Fans of the plant would definitely want their hands on this!

5. Cat Playing With Butterflies

Now that’s a playful shirt! Both sides of the collar has butterflies that seemingly interacting with the cat pattern on the body of the clothing.

6. Embroidery Floral Berry

Assimilate nature into your fashion! These berries are seemingly growing on the collar of your shirt!

7. Swan

White as swan!

8. Holly Berry Tie

Bow tie is a thing of the past. It’s all about holly berry now! It’s probably the best thing to have when it’s near the festive season! Let it be jolly!

9. Heart Pin

The world needs more love. Stop hate, spread love!

10. Rainbow

Appear cheerful than normal with a cheerful rainbow pin!

11. Charming Insect Pin

These jewelry insects sit on top of your collar as if they’re your pets! They’re beautiful and charming. Might even attract real beetles!

12. Cat Collar

Give off that casual and relaxed vibe with this laying cat collar. It’s resting peacefully around your neck while keeping you warm!

13. Hands

These hands are seemingly trying to tie something around your neck. Would be perfect if there’s a bow to it eh?

14. Butterfly Collar

Symmetry is beauty! The left and right side of the butterfly wing sits majestically on the collar of the neck. The nice blue color harmony is bound to make fans of the color to go nuts!

15. Eye Blink

Too tired to wink? Let the collar do the winking for you!

16. Leather Suit

That looks familiar! It’s like the tongue part of a leather shoe. Now, it’s becoming the collar part of the shirt. Fashion has its quirks!

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