30 Crazy Cute Animal Hairstyles You’ll Love To See

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Animals are the gem of life that can make us grin from ear to ear with their crazy and silly behaviors. They provide precious company to help us de stress from busy days at work. According to research, having pets also reduces anxiety as well as lowering blood pressure. Hair plays an important role in fashion. We can say that it goes the same with animals too! Checkout how some of these cutesy cosplay as another character! Some are wigs, or possibly digital manipulations. But that don’t matter! It tickles our funny bones all the same and some might even make you say “awww”!

1. Elvis Pawsley

If Elvis has a dog, this is it. The iconic hair style of the late artist becomes a signature style that almost anyone with it would be recognized as Elvis himself.

2. Meowfasa

Mufasa from Lion King has been reincarnated into Meowfasa. It rests gently on the wooden pole with such poise and grace.

3. Cat Flower

It’s a flower or is it a cat? This hair-like head wear truly transforms this cute kitty into a blooming beauty!

4. Donald Trump

This dog is probably gonna win the Donald Trump cosplay award.

5. Lady Horse

It used to be just a horse until it put its wigs on and become Lady Horse!

6. Fuzzyhead Pig

This pig looks like a drunk rockstar that partied too hard!

7. Let It Goat, Elsa

Taking the cinemas by storm this December, Elsa is ready for another mind-blowing Hollywood level entertainment! And then, there’s this goat that cosplays as Elso from Frozen.

8. Chicken The Cat

Wigs for cat is a thing and the fashionistas have decided to try it out on their cat. It almost looks like Wendy of the fast food chain.

9. Chicken with Perm

The chicken looks so majestic, even the chef refuse to cook it!

10. What The Duck

What the duck?

11. Huffle Puff

The wig on this bunny truly brings out the fed-up look that it already has. Such a nice accessory to enhance its true character!

12. Wanda The Red Head

Your guinea pig deserves to have a nice hair too!

13. Hermione Hopper

This wizard is about to save Hogwarts!

14. Ocean’s Blue

This dog is feeling pretty with the blue wig. You can see it in it’s eyes.

15. Afro Pup

Afro pup is about to rock your world! There it goes barking at 3 am in the morning!

16. Eye Shade Hamster

When the sun shines, this guinea pig is gonna be well protected from the harmful UV rays!

17. Ponytail Dog

It’s almost looks like a human female transformed into a dog.

18. Twin Tail Fluff Maltese

Have you ever seen such a cute little girl?

19. Chihuahua Helmet Hair

A hair that looks like a helmet is the kind of hair that protects!

20. Round Buns

Another baby girl out there melting people’s hearts.

21. Giraffe Dog

It is always good to have ambition even if it’s an inter-species kind. Help your dog realize its dream to be a native of Africa with this awesome giraffe makeover!

22. Horse With Curls

Curls look good on a women and horse as well!

23. Spiky Hair Alpaca

At one point, every teen has spiky hair. It’s probably that moment for this alpaca too!

24. Side Bang Guinea Pig

Cute and stylish! This guinea pig is gonna be one of those popular kids in school!

25. Spike Ponytail Guinea Pig

Get that hair out of the way with a spiky ponytail!

26. Swagpaca

When an alpaca walked into a barber shop.

27. Braided Hair Dog

This dog has braided hair and it looks prettier than any human!

28. Polish Buff Laced Chicken

It’s an actual chicken species with a unique display of feather. It looks so fluffy and comfortable to hug!

29. Bella The Ghost Dog

When you condition your dog too much, it turns into a ghost.

30. Visayan Warty Pig

This is another unique species out there that has a natural unique hair style. The beautiful blue makes this creature so distinct among its other cousins. This species however is suffering from endangerment.

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