30 Weird Animal Mashup That Either Makes You Cringe Or Smile

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Animals comes with their own uniqueness in terms of physical features and external textures. Have you ever wondered how they would turn out to be if they are mashed up together? Imagine a dog with the body of a bird. Or a moose with the body of a bear. Would it be stunning? Or would it be scarier? Let’s drop the imagination and checkout these real mashups done by Photoshop artists from around the world! Be ready to glance upon the sight of these unheard-off beasts!

1. Moobear

So, does it eat salmon or graze on leaves?

2. Electopus

If an elephant has 8 trunks, this is how it would look like. Like Kraken on four.

3. Catbird

You are what you eat! This kitty turned into a bird!

4. Squissy

A funny made-up name! It’s squirrel and pussy combined!

5. Mousephant

What do you get when you combine two peanut lovers together?

6. Snailstritch

Ostrich with an armored shell! That’s so cool!

7. Flaminux

It’s a divine combination of a flamingo and a fox. I wonder what do they eat?

8. Catken

Keeping furry friends in the house has just become interesting! Instead of running wildly on roof tops in the middle of the night, the catken is known to cluck at weird hours instead.

9. Parrus

10. Seamoose

Well known in the wild for their distinct horns, the seamoose use it to fight against other male to show dominance.

11. Snat

This snake ate too much rats and start to grow ear and nose of rats!

12. Hawkbit

Prey and predator gets combined in this new species! It’s a hawkbit and it preys on other hawks or rabbits?

13. Owla

It’s a cute owla sitting on top of eucalyptus leaves. Maybe it’ll start eating other things too than the leaves itself!

14. Pineappowl

Pineapple in a bowl? I mean pineappowl. It’s cute!

15. Hiprog

Hippos are feared for their jaw strength. This hiprog is probably gonna be chewing its way up the food chain!

16. Moog

Finally, a moose that you can keep in the house! It’s a fusion of a moose and a dog. We call it Moog!

17. Pengca

It’s like a walking mouth. Just pour that plate of mac and cheese in here please!

18. Butterphant

Dumbo gets a fancier version of it with Butterphant!

19. Dogse

No criminals can run away from this dogse! It can smell well and sprint to the culprit in no time!

20. Pugbird

Pugbird is known to always stick their tongue out and give licks.

21. Dird

This dird looks sad without it’s doggy treats.

22. Pooduck

Does it quack or does it bark?

23. Hamslion

Hamster gets a animal king version of it with this tough and epic looking hamslion!

24. Chiguana

Chiguana cuckles in the wee hours of the morning to wake other animals up in the jungle. It also can run very fast too.

25. Crocbird

The crocbird is the first species of its kind to have an armored scale yet still light enough to fly.

26. Racbird

Yes, it still does love garbage. Dumpster diving is its main activity to do!

27. Koaky

Who’s a good boy? This good boy can climb too!

28. Red Owx

Other than having a keen sense of smell, the red owx also features extraordinarily huge eyes. No prey escapes its eyes.

29. Leoguana

Sometimes, you might hear the loud sound of leopards up the tree. That’s probably a leoguana sprinting across the leaves from tree to tree.

30. Cawk

This cawk looks like it’s about to sneeze!

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