30 Insanely Romantic Couple Instagrammable Photoshoot Inspiration

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Valentine’s day is supposed to be full of love and every little cute moments should be capture down! Agree? I mean, who wouldn’t want some cute ass couple photo with your partner that you could look back when you both are old and grey and to show off on instagram? A cute photo can be share, can be printed and framed around the house, phone wallpaper and etc! So in this Valentine’s Day if you have yet to have a plan for this Valentine’s Day, make it a photoshoot day! It don’t really have to be outdoor even at your own space at home, can really capture some cute cozy photo too! So weather if you want it indoor or outdoor, we got you covered! Just get your tripod or selfie stick ready and work together to get the perfect romantic photo taken. Say goodbye to boring “look into the camera” kind of couple shot.

1.Laying On The Grass

If you have a beautiful field at your backyard, this is super easy to do. If you don’t, go to a park!


2. You’re The Apple To My Eyes

This close up shot, the details of the eyes, perfect.


3. You Are My Every “Happy Days”

Set the tripod at the right angle, set timer, sit on the floor and talk about some joke. Bam, the perfect laughing photo is done.


4. Pinch Kiss

Let it be just a gesture or for a shoot, this is extremely cute! *screams*


5. Good Food Are Meant To Be Share

The modern Lady and the Tramp inspired! No need spaghetti, a biscuit will do!


6. Furbaby

If you both have a furbaby, be sure to get em some loving too!


7. Steal A Kiss While She’s Drinking Coffee

Random forehead kisses are already super cute but then stealing a kiss while she’s drinking a coffee, super romanticccc!


8. Grocery Store Kisses

This is one of classic romantic cute shot and also a scene we would see in movie. CUTENESS.


9. Side Kisses

Back hug and side kisses as a combo, if this doesn’t melt your heart, I don’t know what does.


10. Ice Cream

Ice cream shot? I SCREAM FOR THIS PHOTO.


11. Mr Mystery

Don’t wanna show you man’s face, this is the perfect shot to go for. Is super sweet and do the job for hiding your man’s face.


12. “Just wanna tell you how much I love you”

Sweet talking and capture this shot, the genuine smile in this shot is priceless.


13. Homemade Dessert

This is another cozy shot that can be done in the kitchen of your own home too. Pulling the jacket down does give a hint of sexiness in this shot!


14. Living Room Shot

Another shot that can be done in your own space, casual and cozy.


15. Pillow Fight

Aren’t the pillow fight one of the cutest thing to do?


16. Baking Fun

Baking together and giving each other a flour mask.


17. Valentine’s Day = Cheat Day

If you and your partner are on diet plan, well, diet plan is not applicable for Valentine’s Day!


18. Mirror Selfie

Mirror selfie while having your girl in your arms, definitely showing that she is yours! GUYS. TRUST ME AND DO THIS, SHE WILL BE FALLING SO HARD FOR YOU AGAIN.


19. Clay Mud Mask Day

This is also super cute alright?! Gotta make sure each other look good ain’t it ?


20. Something Sexy, Maybe?

Doesn’t want to show face? How about some sexy shot like this?


21. Milkshake Date

A cute date like this and a cute shot taken, worth it.


22. Slurpee Date

What can be a cuter date than going out to get slurpee in the midnight?


23. Eye Locked Into Each Other

A shot that can be done literally anywhere!


24. Lift Shot

While on your way up/down with the lift, make use of the mirror and take a cute shot like this!


25. String Light

String lights are super useful. It just set the whole mood right. There are so many sparkling ideas to use string lights for your photos!


26. Carnival Date Shot

Carnival / Amusement Park is one of the best Valentine’s Day date ideas! Having a shot like this is definitely a whole mood.


27. Plant’s Parents

If you and your partner are plants lover, go on a plant research date! Probably gonna bring home another plant baby too! On the serious note tho, wearing neutral colour matching with the greens around just make it so perfect.


28. Slow Dance In The Moonlight

“We get it almost every night
When that moon is big and bright
It’s a supernatural delight
Everybody’s dancin’ in the moonlight”


29. Roses Behind His Back

Perfect for Valentine’s Day. Can’t get the roses go on waste without a good shot right? Carrying the roses and look into the camera is so mainstream. Try this instead!


30. Another Valentine’s Day Worthy Shot

Another Valentine’s Day worthy shot! Extremely Instagrammable! This shot can also be taken for Anniversary too!


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