10 Lifestyle Tips To Boost Your Fertility

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Whether you are planning your first pregnancy or thinking about having another child, trying to conceive naturally or undergoing fertility treatment, it will be an opportunity to evaluate your nutrition and general lifestyle. Let it be by conceiving naturally or undergoing fertility treatment, nutrition and lifestyle plays a big part of it. 

1. Stop Vaping / Smoking Cigarettes

E- Cigarette better known as vape, well, stop that. A publication in the Journal of the Endocrine Society proved that vaping may affect fertility and pregnancy. Results are shown that embryo attachment period is being delayed. Furthermore, the exposure to vape also caused the fetus to not gained much weight compared to those that were not exposed. While there’s a saying that vaping is safer than cigarette smoking, it might not be true after all. But that doesn’t mean smoking cigarettes is fine because some evidence shows that smoking caused the ovaries and decreases your eggs supply. It also harms your cervix and Fallopian tubes and increases your risk of ectopic pregnancy and miscarriage.

2. Avoid Trans Fat

A study found that a diet high in trans fats will trigger infertility. Trans fats are commonly found in hydrogenated vegetable oils and are usually present in margarine, fried foods, processed products and baked goods, I know they taste so damn good but uh huh is not good for your fertility. To boost fertility levels, avoid foods high in trans fats no matter how delicious it is, at least try to AVOID IT. Eat foods rich in healthy fats instead, instead of cooking with any other kind of oil, use a healthier option such as extra virgin olive oil. 

3. Curb Your Alcohol Intake

It’s common knowledge that women shouldn’t drink alcohol during their pregnancy. But you may not be aware that frequent drinking while trying to conceive is linked to ovulation disorders. If you’re trying to get pregnant, try to avoid alcohol, if possible, try your very best to avoid it completely. Even in moderate amounts, can affect your sexual health. It can lead to loss of libido and infertility in both men and women. Alcohol will be interrupt the menstrual cycle of a woman where your menstrual cycle will be just like a roller coaster (unstable menstrual cycle). It will also cause  hyperprolactinemia or high prolactin in the blood and hormonal imbalance which affects ovarian function. The reduction or elimination of alcohol consumption can only reverse the ill-effects of alcohol within 3 – 6 months. So the “recovery” time may take some time before you are able to conceive naturally again. 

4. Protein Swap

Instead of getting your protein from animal, replacing some animal proteins (such as meat, fish and eggs) with vegetable protein (such as beans, nuts and seeds) is linked to a reduced risk of infertility. One study followed more than 17,000 women without a history of infertility for 8 years as they tried to become pregnant found that a higher protein intake from meat was linked to a 32% higher chance of developing ovulatory infertility. On the other hand, eating more vegetable protein may protect against infertility. This was concluded in a follow-up study that showed when 5% of total calories came from vegetable protein instead of animal protein, the risk of ovulatory infertility decreased by more than 50%. Therefore, consider replacing some of the meat protein in your diet with protein from vegetables, beans, lentils and nuts for better fertility health.

5. Get Enough Sleep

WHO DOESN’T LOVE SLEEPING? Sleeping is so important as it allows our entire body to rest after a long ass day. Maintain a healthy sleep cycle for an optimum fertility health! Sleep is regulated by two body systems: sleep/wake homeostasis and the circadian biological clock. Most adults need 7 to 8 hours of good quality sleep on a regular schedule each night, when your circadian rhythms are off, it can throw off your ovulation cycles! In both men and women, the same part of the brain that regulates sleep-wake hormones (such as melatonin and cortisol) also triggers a daily release of reproductive hormones. The hormones that trigger ovulation in women is tied to the body’s sleep-wake patterns. Long-term lack of sleep for a woman may directly affect the release of luteinizing hormone, or LH — the hormone that triggers ovulation as part of regulating the menstrual cycle. The resulting menstrual irregularity may mean it takes longer for you to conceive.

6. Meditteranean Diet

The principal aspects of this diet include proportionally high consumption of fish, fruits and vegetables.And you should really try challenging yourself to a 30 Day Mediterranean Diet Challenge. You got nothing to lose right? It is still beneficial to you at the end of the day. In a study of 161 couples using IVF (in-vitro fertilization), those who followed a Mediterranean diet were more likely to conceive. This may be because the Mediterranean diet is generally anti-inflammatory and focuses on fruit, vegetables, and fish, while shunning processed and refined foods which results in a healthier body response.

7. Start Taking Prenatal Vitamins

Prenatal vitamins don’т boost your fertility, but they still perform the important duty of making sure you’re topped up on vitamins that can nurture a successful pregnancy. Folic acid, a mainstay in prenatals, is especially important for the fetus development.

8. Eat Food That Are Rich In Antioxidants

Antioxidants deactivate the free radicals in your body. Studies found that by eating 75 grams of antioxidant-rich walnuts per day it can improve your fertility, while antioxidants like folate and zinc benefits women by increasing the chance of conception.

9. Cut Down On Your Caffeine Intake, Coffee Lover!

High caffeine intake interferes with conception. Consider eliminating or avoiding caffeinated coffee, tea and soft drinks (decaf is fine). High caffeine intake is also linked to hormone level imbalance as it over stimulates the pituitary gland (located at the base of our brain) which may lead to poly cystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). You don’t need to rule out caffeine completely, but try limiting your daily caffeine consumption to 200 mg per day, especially when you’re trying to conceive. That’s the equivalent of about two, eight-ounce cups of coffee per day.

10. Breakfast Should Be Your Favorite Meal Of Each Day.

Take breakfast like a King, lunch like a Prince and dinner like a Pauper. Do you know, eating a substantial breakfast may help women with fertility problems? One study found that eating a larger breakfast may improve the hormonal effects of poly-cystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), a major cause of infertility. But note that increasing the size of your breakfast without reducing the size of your evening meal is likely to lead to weight gain.Because you would want to maintain a healthy weight, overweight can harm you in so many ways, including interfering with your ovulation.

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