5 Amazing Hijab Cosplayers That You Should Follow

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Hijab cosplayer takes cosplay to another level. Most cosplays involves wearing wigs and props to portray a certain character from movies, games or anime. This is pretty feasible for most. However, for those who have to wear hijab due to their religious practice might face a certain degree of challenge. Instead of taking their hijab off, hijab cosplayers adapts it into their cosplays. This unique combination creates a beautiful art form that maintains modesty and privacy while maintaining the features that would define a character. It’s just beautiful! Here’s some famous artists that cosplay with hijab in no particular order.

1. Queen of Luna, The Queen of Hijab Cosplayer

princess ariel cosplay by hijab cosplayer queen of luna
Princess Ariel from The Little Mermaid

Queen of Luna, also known as Saraswati is possibly one of the best hijab cosplayers out there. She is very skillful in makeup. Her style involves transforming herself into character using makeup and different color of hijab.

belle from beauty of the beast cosplay by queen of luna
Belle from Beauty and The Beast

Her love for Disney characters is truly depicted in her works. Most of her cosplays involves a character from Disney such as Mulan, Princess Ariel and Princess Jasmine. In fact, her Disney transformation is one of the precursor that propelled her into fame.

princess fiona from shrek cosplay by queen of luna
Princess Fiona from Shrek

However, she does not set her interest as part of her limitation. She ventures into portraying characters from other franchise as well such as Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy and Queen of Hearts.

batman cosplay by hijab cosplayer queen of luna

She started makeup way back in 2008. That’s about 12 years ago. The first character she wanted to try The Joker from The Dark Knight movie. Since then, she’d tried many other characters and constantly improving.

ryuk of death note cosplay by queen of luna
Ryuk from Death Note

A scroll through her Instagram page and you’ll notice that she is capable in transforming herself into anyone. From beautiful the Elsa of Frozen to the scary Ryuk from the anime Death Note, she nailed all of them perfectly.

Check out Queen of Luna’s Instagram page for more cosplay with hijab.

2. A Cute Hijab Cosplayer, Miisa

raven from teen titans by miisa
Raven from Teen Titan

Misa is one of the leading figures in the world of hijab cosplay. Originating from Kangar, Malaysia, her works has been featured in both local as well as international media.

haruno sakura cosplay from naruto by miisa
Sakura from Naruto

She displays magnificent skills in makeup, passion as well as creativity in twisting and bending the hijab to suit the character’s look and feel. Along all those efforts, she became a sensation as well as an inspiration to the younger generation of cosplayers.

mikasa from attack on titan cosplay by miisa
Mikasa from Attack on Titan

When first exposed to the cosplay culture, she felt that it’s both new and weird. Using wigs as hair of the character is a pretty common thing. Then, she thought that she could do the same with hijab. This idea kick-started her path into cosplay with hijab.

hinata from naruto cosplay by miisa
Hinata from Naruto

What further drives Miisa is her love for the characters. She also adores the possibility that anyone can become their favorite character. Plus, her deep interest in makeup helps a lot too. All these combined just naturally led her into the world of hijab cosplay.

ino from naruto cosplay by miisa
Ino from Naruto

Checkout more cute hijab cosplay on Miisa’s Instagram!

3. The Rising Hijab Cosplayer, Saakira Izumi

crystal maiden cosplay by hijab cosplayer saakira izumi
Crystal Maiden from Dota

Saakira Izumi is one of a kind hijab cosplayer that stunned the crowd with her amazing cosplay of Crystal Maiden from Dota. She is not only an artist that applies makeup and hijab for cosplay. She also creates her own realistic-looking prop.

For her, she feels that wearing hijab for cosplay isn’t a tough thing to do. They operate like a wig. It just takes the right colored hijab that matches the hair of the character that she is cosplaying.

astrid from how to train your dragon cosplay by saakira izumi
Astrid from How To Train Your Dragon

Hijab cosplay is picking up the pace especially in countries like Malaysia. Saakira Izumi is also another Malaysian that got into cosplay phenomenon. She is based in Klang, Selangor.

penny wise cosplay by saakira izumi

Saakira loves cute character. Her first character is actually Hatsune Miku which is a vocaloid software character. She is also into the lolita style of Japan fashion.

hatsune miku cosplay by hijab cosplayer saakira izumi
Hatsune MIku

She describes herself as an introvert. She don’t speak much. Cosplay is her way to channel her creativity.

Her toughest costume to make is actually the Crystal Maiden outfit. With the skills she picked up from her mother who is a tailor and patience for detailing the accuracy of the costume, she managed to make 18 impressive costumes.

ashe from overwatch cosplay by saakira izumi
Ashe from Overwatch

Her message for everyone on cosplay is to give it a try and don’t just watch. Don’t be shy and just go ahead and do it. This message is pretty much applicable in other aspects too!

Follow Saakira’s Instagram page for more impressive costume shots!

4. The Hijab Cosplayer Duo, Kovács & Ace

neji and kiba cosplay from naruto by kovacs and ace
Neji and Kiba from Naruto

Kovács & Ace is a pair of best friends that is quite reputable in their hijab cosplay style. They put a lot of effort in costume design, shaping of their hijab, as well as makeup to bring their character to life.

sasuke from naruto by hijab cosplayers kovacs and ace
Sasuke from Anime Naruto

Their cosplay are quite realistic. They can portray the character Neji and Kiba in quite a cool way. Their cosplay also covers game characters such as those from Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy and Tekken as well as movie characters such as Valkyrie from Marvel.

noctis cosplay from final fantasy by kovacs and ace
Noctis from Final Fantasy

Their uniqueness in shaping their hijab is truly remarkable! The hijab have the spikes and bangs of the hair that truly resembles the character!

roxas from kingdomhearts cosplay by hijab cosplayers kovacs and ace
Roxas from Kingdom Hearts

What is their character without those giant swords that they are carrying right? They’re so into cosplaying that they are willing to invest on those unique weapon props. This is not just a hobby. It’s a passion!

dante from devil may cry cosplay by kovacs and ace
Dante from Devil May Cry

They’re bringing the fun in every cosplay convention they go. These duo definitely deserves a lot more follows. Check out their coveredcosplay Instagram page for more stunning visuals.

5. Rofida The Cosplayer from Egypt

raphtalia from rising of the shield hero anime by hijab cosplayer rafida
Raphtalia from Rising of The Shield Hero

Hijab cosplaying also has rooted in other countries such as Egypt. This hijab cosplayer, Rofida brings her favorite anime characters to real life with her cosplays.

saber from fate stay night cosplay by rafida
Saber from Fate Stay Night

To play the character realistically, she has to shape her hijab to match the hair as close as possible. For characters like Kuchiki Rukia from Bleach or Urakara from My Hero Academia, she has to make the hijab puffy as these characters has puffy hair.

sarada from naruto cosplay by rafida
Sarada from Naruto

As for characters like Konan from Naruto which has hair bun, she has to form a bun out of her hijab too. That’s pretty interesting!

konan from naruto by hijab cosplayer rafida
Konan from Naruto

Along side with the costume and the skill in shaping the hijab, she also applies makeup to transform herself into the character. To truly capture the essence of the character, she would play with her facial expression to exude the vibe that the character has.

muzan kibutsuji from demon slayer cosplay by hijab cosplayer rafida
Muzan Kibutsuji from Demon Slayer

This emerging hijab cosplayer certainly deserves much more following. Be sure to checkout Rafida’s Instagram page for more of her cosplays!

Hijab cosplaying is certainly a growing interest. There’s even a community of hijab cosplayer from Malaysia and Indonesia combined. What’s certain is that we’re about to see more of this trend rising up among the cosplaying landscape!

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